9:00 am Welcome
Suzanne Tomlinson-Mathis, Gulf Coast Consortia
David Corry, Baylor College of Medicine
Moderator: TBA
9:10-9:50 Keynote Presentation
Development and Function of Dendritic Cell Subsets-The Role in Antitumor Immunity
Kenneth Murphy, PhD, Washington University
9:50-10:20 Vendor Session-Pre-Function and Event Hall
Moderator: TBA
Session 1: TBA
10:20-10:40 Talk title TBA
Kenneth Hu, MD Anderson Cancer Center
10:40-11:00 Immune Landscape in Endometrial Carcinogenesis with Single-Cell Analysis
Yusi Fu, Texas A&M University
11:00-11:20 Boosting Tumor Targeting by T Cells Through Engineered Immune Synapse Stabilization
Chiou-Tsun “Ray” Tsai, Baylor College of Medicine
Moderator: TBA
11:20-11:50 Lighting poster talks
11:50-2:00 Lunch and Poster Session-Event Hall
11:50-12:45 Lunch
12:45-2:00 Posters
Moderators: Name, Affiliation
2:00-2:40 Keynote Presentation
Talk title tba
Carla Rothlin, Yale University
Moderators: TBA
Session 2: Name
2:40-3:00 Macrophage Clustering, Cooperativity, and ‘Intrudopodia’ Contribute to Solid Tumor Phagocytosis
Lawrence Dooling, University of Houston
3:00-3:20 CD4 T Cell Stemness in Transplantation Rejection and Tumor Control
Wenhao Chen, Houston Methodist Research Institute
3:20-3:35 Epigenome Editing and CRISPR-Based Screening in Immune Cells
Isaac Hilton, Rice University
3:35-4:05 Vendor Session-Pre-Function and Event Hall
Session 3: Name
Moderators: Name, affiliation
4:05-4:25 Talk title tba
4:25-4:45 Broadly Inhibitory Antibodies that Protect Against Severe Malaria
Evelien Bunnik, University of Texas at San Antonio
4:45-5:05 Innate Immune Signaling in Metabolic Diseases
Juli Bai, UT Health
5:05-5:10 Closing Remarks
5:10-6:00 Reception-event hall